DoHK: Database of Human Knowledge

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The DoHK Manifesto: Reclaiming Truth in the Age of Generative AI

In a world teetering on the brink of an information abyss, where the lines between truth and fabrication blur, we stand at a crossroads. The advent of generative AI has ushered in an era of unprecedented potential, yet with it comes a shadow that threatens to engulf the very essence of our reality. As the guardians of our collective consciousness, it is incumbent upon us to wield this power with responsibility and foresight. The time has come to rise above the cacophony of falsehoods and reclaim the sanctity of truth. We introduce to you the Database of Human Knowledge (DoHK), a beacon of veracity in the tumultuous seas of information.

The Challenge: A World Adrift in Uncertainty
The proliferation of AI-generated content has unleashed a torrent of information, much of it devoid of substance, rooted in fiction rather than fact. Centralized entities, wielding the dual-edged sword of technology and authority, manipulate the narrative, dictating what is true and what is not. In this dystopian landscape, the individual's ability to discern reality is eroded, leaving society vulnerable to the whims of the few.

The Solution: Decentralization and Economic Incentives
DoHK emerges as a revolutionary force, harnessing the principles of decentralization to restore power to the people. Inspired by the groundbreaking Bitcoin whitepaper, we propose a system where consensus on truth is achieved through a decentralized network, free from the clutches of centralized control.

At the heart of DoHK lies a novel adaptation of the PageRank algorithm, tailored for the validation of facts. Each fact is scored based on the web of evidence supporting it, creating an interlinked ecosystem of verified information. This is not merely a technological feat; it is a paradigm shift in how we perceive and uphold truth.

To ensure the integrity of the data, DoHK introduces a unique economic model. Contributors are required to pay a fee to submit a fact, which is then distributed to the chain of linked evidence. This creates a self-sustaining loop of validation, where facts that bolster trusted information are rewarded, while those that contradict established truths face a financial penalty. In this way, we align economic incentives with the pursuit of accuracy, fostering an environment where only the most reliable data thrives.

The Call to Action: Join the Waitlist, Shape the Future
The journey to reshape the landscape of knowledge is not for the faint of heart. It demands the courage to challenge the status quo, the wisdom to recognize the value of truth, and the foresight to invest in a future grounded in reality.

We invite you to join the waitlist for DoHK, to be part of a movement that seeks to democratize knowledge and empower individuals. By participating in this endeavor, you are not just a passive observer; you are an architect of a new world order, where truth is the cornerstone of society.

The time to act is now. The era of unchecked misinformation and centralized manipulation must end. With DoHK, we have the opportunity to usher in a new age of enlightenment, where facts are sacred, and knowledge is power. Let us unite in this noble quest, for in truth, we find freedom.

Join the Revolution. Embrace Truth. Welcome to DoHK.

Join the Waitlist

The Waitlist: How It Works

Waitlist participants are given pre-release access the network and the opportunity to apply to become an early rollout stage contributor. Selected contributors are responsible for seeding the network with core knowledge. These foundational facts become increasingly valuable as the network grows and more facts directly or indirectly link to them as evidence.

This economic incentive ensures that contributors are motivated to upload reliable and valuable data. It also means that early contributors who help establish the foundational layer of knowledge have the potential to earn significant recurring revenue for the lifetime of the network.

By joining the DoHK waitlist, you're not just waiting for access; you're actively participating in the shaping of a new era of knowledge.

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Rollout Stages

Note: Selection for each stage will be based on the applicants background in relevant subjects, as well as their contributions to DoHK. We aim for a diverse set of expert knowledge across relevant categories.

1. The Genesis Layer Active

Capacity: 1,000 Applicants

Accepted: 100 Contributors

This batch will create the foundational layer of knowledge, consisting of reliable fundamental truths such as mathematical principles and physical laws.

2. The Expansion Layer

Capacity: 2,000 Applicants

Accepted: 200 Contributors

This batch will focus on creating knowledge that builds upon the foundational layer and links to it as evidence.

3. The Integration Layer

Capacity: 3,000 Applicants

Accepted: 300 Contributors

The third batch will work on integrating interdisciplinary knowledge, connecting dots between different fields to create a more cohesive and comprehensive database.

4. The Diversification Layer

Capacity: 4,000 Applicants

Accepted: 400 Contributors

This batch will aim to diversify the knowledge base by adding lesser-represented fields and perspectives. The goal is to ensure a well-rounded and inclusive database that reflects the vastness of human knowledge.

5. The Finalization Layer

Contributors: Remaining waitlist applicants

This stage is dedicated to the remaining waitlist applicants who were not selected in the earlier stages. They will have the opportunity to contribute to finalizing the knowledge base, ensuring comprehensive coverage and coherence across all areas of the database.

Going Live: Continuous Evolution

After the final stage, the DoHK network will go live for the public.

As the network goes live, it will enter a phase of continuous evolution. Contributors from around the world will be able to add new facts, further enriching the database and ensuring that it remains up-to-date and comprehensive. This ongoing expansion and refinement of knowledge will solidify DoHK as a living, breathing repository of human wisdom.